Tuesday, August 26, 2014


... But they have been reordered and are on their way. Thank you to everyone for the recent purchases, you will see your orders as soon as they get here! Email us with any questions.

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Bug

For about the last week Wolf and I spent in  Holland, we started to search pretty hard for bikes in the states to start another project with. Immediately after the Rogues party, Rogues member Limp showed us his next project, which really was only gasoline on our fire. 
Fast forward to last week, Friday morning about 4:30 AM, California, sitting in bed searching the Internet for my next bike, I happened upon a '67 shovelhead. Still a little jet lagged, I emailed the guy twice, but he was on the west coast, so I knew it would be a couple hours before he got back to me. Bored, I called the only other guy who was probably up at this ridiculous time, Wolf, and we met up for coffee around 6:30 AM. 
Finally about an hour later, after I had showed Wolf what I had found, I got an email back with a phone number and called immediately. Long story short, we were headed to Nevada Monday morning to pick up my new shovelhead!

Silver Lake, Carson Pass

Still smiling after being inseparable for the past 4 months

After a quick test ride, a money count, and a handshake, we were westbound again. 

Stopping to enjoy the view and check the tie downs. 

Next day, Jeremy and I quickly tearing it down so we can build it up!

... To be continued! Hey Wolf, you found anything yet?!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

1000 Hills Run, Germany

You can't make them all, and this is one that Wolf and Jonathan wanted to get to, but they probably would've been kicked out of the country if they had stayed that long!
For more info check out the website HERE

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Flashback to the final night in Holland: Tattoos in the clubhouse by Skully

Next morning, cleared customs with our last Dutch hangover

Goodbye Holland

Back home, party with the brothers and friends! 


The Profesor 

The clubhouse packed full with bikes after a night of partying! Good to be home when it looks like this! Just missing two bikes still...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

California Bound!

Once again, we're down to less than 24hrs left in Europe. For so long August was only a distant idea, not even a reality. But before we knew it, we had left Sweden, the Rogues party was over, and our bikes, for the first time in 3 months, haven't moved an inch. 
It's still hard to imagine that we're going to be in California tomorrow, even with the boarding passes printed out on Beers dinner table. The trip has really flown by, with hardly any time for it to really settle in. 
A huge thanks to everyone we've met along the road from this trip and from two years ago. This has been another great adventure, and hope to see you all in California or Europe again soon!

Picture: crossing the dyke for the last time, enroute to Opmeer. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Belgium X2

With an open schedule after Sweden, we were able to sandwich the Rogues 35th anniversary party between two trips to Belgium. The first was immediately after we returned to Opmeer from Sweden. With the second being the weekend after we had sobered up from the long party with the Rogues and the other people we had met from our trip. 
The first trip didn't take much convincing. With a quick look at the weather, and feeling confidant about the bikes after we had just rode the 1,200km from Sweden to Holland, we figured this would be a good, easy, last trip for us. 
About 20km into our trip south, the weather already had different plans. And after arriving at Hanks house, my tranny also had other ideas about the ease of this last big trip. Another typical adventure for us in Europe!

Wolf and Jaspy enjoying the sun, not the view. 

Rainsuits on, and with 4" of rain on the highway as we went through Amsterdam. 

Finally to Hanks house, thought I could enjoy a cold beer...

...but only after I spent 3 hours diagnosing the problem. We figured it out, and the shovel was now push start only for the ride home. 

Great time with our Belgian family!

The week after the party, and some maintenance on the bikes, we were able to enjoy some local rides and summer sun. 

Wolf and Wicky

Wolf and Gerry

The time had finally come: although the sun was still shining, the bikes needed to be boxed up if we wanted to see them before October. 

Bikeless for the first time in almost 3 months! Hitching a ride with Gerry in his Buick. 

All you can eat sushi with Gerry and Limp and their ol ladies. Wolf and I, hopefully on our last date together for awhile!

The bikes were boxed up, but Belgium called one last time. Danny had invited us down to his place way back in May, but we were bound for France, and unable to stop by. Better late than never, we were finally able to stop by and say hello in August. 
Bike collection; ridden all the time. 


Next day, Danny and his wife took us out to explore the countryside on a couple of their own bikes.  

After a day in the sun, we all ended up together for one last party with everyone from Belgium. Another great night, thanks for all the hospitality, and we'll see you all soon!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Rogues MC 35th Anniversary Party

One of the main reasons for coming back to Europe this year, was so we could go to the Rogues 35th anniversary, in Opmeer. With the convincing of Wolf and Baby Clint, we decided to make a full trip out of it, and as you know, ship the bikes to Europe almost three months before the Rogues party. 
The party for us, has been almost like the grand finale of our trip. Along with being a great party, it was also the place that we were going to be able to meet up with almost everyone from the road one last time. 
But also in the back of our minds, this party represented the end of our trip. And I don't think we could have asked for a better way to finish this adventure, than this party. 

Gerry helping set up the wood fired hot tubs. 

Beer setting up camp

Wolf testing out our tent

Working party 

Dutch taxi service

Thursday night

Friday party's

Choppers from all over Europe, 10 countries including the USA. 

The Chopper Kingz from France with official tour guide Mike. 

Chopper Freaks from Norway

Unicycle rain delay

After the rain, the grass was too wet for the unicycle races. Not wanting to disappoint the crowd, Gerry from the Rogues and Morgan from the Animals did what any respectable biker would do, and took matters into their own hands. Mud drags, doughnuts, ending in a burnout competition. Morgan also showed us his stunt driving/crashing abilities. 

Beer made a couple of awesome awards for the party, and we were lucky enough to receive the one for the longest ride to the party. Officially I think we are just over 10,000 km. With that being said, we never meant to go that far, we just got lost and it took us 10,000 km to find our way back! Thanks Beer
Photo: NY Donny

My bike also got the award for most empty beer cups. 

Atle from Chopper Freaks. And yes he's in there. And yes he's sleeping. 

Michel and I enjoying the White Trash Castles terrace... or tarp area. 

Bretagne bound. 


Sunday evening was reserved for some relaxation, delivered Chinese food, and a chance for everyone who was still around to help fill in each other's "blank spots" of the weekend. 

A huge thanks to all the Rogues for putting on this great party. As you all know, this won't be the last time you will see us! Thanks again, see you in California!