Friday, February 27, 2015

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Harold's USA Open House

Going to try and make it down for this on Saturday. Sonora weather seems like it's going to be pouring rain (we need it badly) but SF looks clear still. Not sure which one to believe. Might have to find my Rainsuit from Europe!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New Zealand Part II

Heres a couple more from the trip south. Great time, perfect weather and really liked getting to enjoy summer again halfway through February!

Crowded day at Bluff Beach 



My niece. Mollie Miner!

Ben and I after a couple cleansing ales back in Auckland. I had first met Ben in Biarritz France in 2012 for the wheels and waves show. Good to see you agin man! Next time, California!

Santa Cruz mountains. Fucking welcome back to the bay area

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Butcher, the Baron of Deutschland, sent us these after he read about Jonathan running into his buddies from Germany in New Zealand. Pretty small world. Looks like a fucking cool trip too!

Uwe and Olaf on their journey through NZ. They have a ton more photos on their website, and if you can read German, probably some good stories on there too! NZ 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

Still Flirting With Disaster II

If you're in Florida, near Fort Myers, and looking to party like the good ol days, on a piece of private land with no address, check this show out.
For more info, head over to the CHOPCULT

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Semper Fidelis Marines!

70 years ago today was the beginning of the battle for Iwo Jima. Thank you to all who have served!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mama Tried

If you can go, you should!
Milwaukee Wisconsin. Maybe next year for us...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has it's limits."

-Albert Einstein 

As many of you already know, some assholes burned down the Rogues clubhouse in Opmeer last Saturday night.
As terrible and chickenshit as this is, it's only a chance for them to build another one, and come out stronger and tougher than before. 
Stupid people are their own hell. 

Deathtraps with Beer, Opmeer president. 

Rogues 35th anniversary party. Over 50 clubs in attendance and people from 12 countries represented. 

More info on their website

Sunday, February 15, 2015


A little afternoon work in the shop, secrete project......
Flashback to Flanders chopper bash!

So the weather here in California has been incredible. My apologies for any slight delays on orders. We just can't pass up 75 degree weather in the middle of February. And a nice muff dive.... Hah. 

Thanks for all of the support and picture Kim. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Reserve Your Swap Space...

...NOW!!! You can now reserve a swap space in our online store. Link on the right side of the blog (desktop version). 
Spaces are $20, and 15'x15'
Should be enough space for about 50-60 spaces. Let's fill 'em all! Spread the word to any and all chopper dude, biker chick, scooter trash, rodder, weirdo, motor head, friend you have!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Been Trippin Through New Zealand

Currently enjoying the summer south of the equator right now. No bike, but having a killer time!

Out with the family on their sailboat

Marcel fishing for booty

Touching my first NZ pussy... cat

At the top of the north island. Tasman Sea

Body surfing on the pacific

Cruising down 90 mile beach in my uncles Peugeot. He insisted 

Ran into two German dudes who shipped their bikes over to NZ for a 6 week trip. Pretty cool bikes, the only old iron I've seen so far. Guys had two days left of their trip. Looked pretty worn out when I saw them!

Heading back into Auckland and then over to the east cape...

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Rogues MC Chopper Show

April 5th, Holland
If you're around, you should go! More info on their website. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Swap Meet 2015!!!

The swap meet is happening again this year. As usual, swapping parts is only half the fun: free camping, BBQ, beer, and good friends. 
As soon as we get the details worked out, you will be able to reserve a spot through email, or bigcartel site. 
Spaces this year are 15'x15' and only $20.00. 
Hope to see you all there!
Feel free to repost

Monday, February 2, 2015

New shirt deigns

We now have our newest shirts up on the sight. Check them out and buy one. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

NorCal swap meet

For everyone that made it to the NorCal swap, thanks for the support. Great seeing old friends and meeting new ones, swapping stories and parts. 
Look forward to seeing you all soon at our swap meet and on the road!!

Picked up another new project too. 

Thanks for having us Biltwell! (Bill and 

As far as our swap meet goes, start saving your change and shining your parts. 15+15 spots for 20$. Camping is free. Let's party!!