Almost every year there has been a crew heading over the mountains towards the end of summer to go skate and campout in Mammoth. This year it seemed that almost everyone who could go, did, and it was well worth it! Even Wolf and Jonathan rented adventure bikes so they could ride over with everyone. Honestly, a little goofy looking, but at least they were on two wheels.
Top of Sonora Pass at 9,623 ft
Getting buzzed by an Osprey flying maneuvers from the Marine Corps base in Pickle Meadows. Huge thing that looks like it shouldn't fly. And in all actuality, they seem to kill Marines all the time because they don't fly!
Lee and Wolf coming down the east side of the Sierra Nevada's

Holly coming down Conway Pass and into Lee Vining and Mono Lake

Wolf and Jonathan putting the enduros to good use
Dirty Mike at camp climbing the trees for firewood
Garrett from Tahoe sleeping next to his shovel with his sweet tent setup
Shwregy smashing it at the skatepark
Moose ripping it up
Sonora Jake from San Diego...
Heading out to the hot springs
Dirty Mike
Greasy hot springs
Sonora Jake killing at the skatepark!
Thanks for the photos everyone! We'll see you next time!