5am, off the deck of the boat as we navigated through the maze of islands off the coast of Croatia.
Getting close to Zadar. Cleaning up our mess from the night before.
You'll have to go there to find out what I saw!
Highway 8, up the coast was fucking awesome. We were there early enough that the traffic was still really light, weather was perfect, and the roads were excellent. Top of the list!
Endless corners. Pullout to check the view, water a couple plants, and stretch the legs.
After unloading the bikes in Zadar, we got a little wrapped up in the adventure, and hauled ass all the way up, almost to Rijeka. This was our final destination, but due to the population, the slightly industrial beaches, and the time of day, we said fuck it, let's push to Lake Bled, Slovenia.
As usual, as soon as we cross a border, it seems everything changed. Really fucking cool.
Getting into the groove. Enjoying the weather, the roads, the trip.
Finally to Bled, the first thing we did was park the bikes, run to the lake, and strip down! It was warmer than the Adriatic Sea. Great swim in the shadow of the Julian Alps, and the perfect end to a long day.
Hotel parking
Washing off the road in the Adriatic Sea before the final push.